Terms & Conditions

By making a purchase of one of the courses offered on academy.volunterworld.com, you are entering into a contract with Centre for Global Citizenship Studies Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “CGCS”) and the following policies will apply.

Table of Contents

    Academic Misconduct Policy

    Policy Overview

    Academic misconduct is dishonest, unacceptable and not allowed by CGCS If you are discovered or suspected of academic misconduct, CGCS will investigate, and this may result in disciplinary action being taken.

    The following sections give some examples of academic misconduct.  

    1. Cheating

    Cheating is acting unfairly or dishonestly to gain an advantage.

    1. Plagiarism

    Plagiarism is:

    • Taking someone else’s work, images or ideas and passing it off as your own;
    • Using the computer, either the Internet, or information stored on any type of disk. USB pen or similar device, or a hard copy or floppy disk which belongs to someone else and passing it off as your own. 
    1. Collusion 

    Collusion is secretly agreeing with another to cheat or deceive

    CGCS’s expectations of its students

    You will:

    • Only hand in your own original work for assessment;
    • Show when you have used information provided by someone else by giving the person’s name and where you found the information in your work (or in your portfolio).
      • For example, if you use someone else’s words you will enclose the quote with inverted commas. You will also repeat this information at the end of the piece in a bibliography or references section.
    • You should seek advice and guidance from tutors if you are unsure how to do this properly. 
    • Similarly show when you have downloaded information from the Internet.

    You will never:

    • Use another person’s disk as if it were your own work
    • Nor copy work from a disk belonging to someone else and use it as if it were your own. 
    • Use someone else’s artwork, pictures or graphics (including graphs, spreadsheets etc.) as if it they were made by you
    • Let other students use or copy from your work and pass it off as if it was their own original work.

    CGCS’s investigation of academic misconduct
    All cases of suspected academic misconduct will be fully investigated by CGCS  If academic misconduct is proven disciplinary action will be taken.  The outcome will depend on the severity of the offence. The member of staff who has looked into what you have done will decide how serious the case is at first and will then consult senior colleagues. The claims against your wrongdoing will be written down so that you know the case you have to answer.

    CGCS’s classification of academic misconduct
    CGCS considers some cases to be academic misconduct and some as gross academic misconduct. CGCS deals with cases of gross academic misconduct more severely.  The following sections give information on this classification, together with guidance on the actions CGCS will take.

    Academic Misconduct

    Cases of academic misconduct

    Cases of academic misconduct include

    • Copying from books without acknowledgement which has a significant contribution to the overall work;
    • Limited plagiarism from professional work (not course books);
    • Limited copying of other candidates’ work (hard copy or from electronic media), or excessive help within one piece of work;
    • Limited downloading of information from the Internet;
    • The use of model answers downloaded from the Internet;
    • The assessed work contributes to final grade;
    • Repeated minor cases of academic misconduct.

    CGCS’s action in cases of academic misconduct
    What you have done will be discussed with you in a private tutorial.  As a result of these discussions CGCS may take one of the following actions depending on how serious what you have done;

    • Your mark or assessment grade will be reduced;
    • You will have work returned to re-do and hand it in for remarking;
    • You will be awarded a zero mark;
    • You may not be allowed to take the unit/exam/test again 
    • You will be given a warning about how you must act in the future 

    Gross Academic Misconduct

    Cases of gross academic misconduct

    Cases of gross academic misconduct include:

    • Extensive copying of textbooks in one piece of work or limited copying in two or more pieces of work which makes a significant contribution to the work/s;
    • Extensive plagiarism of professional works (more than 100 words);
    • Buying, selling or stealing of work;
    • Repeated evidence of extensive use of information from the Internet without acknowledgement;
    • Using model internet answers;
    • Using past candidates’ work from previous years;
    • Undue help from outside CGCS;
    • Repeated cases of academic misconduct. 

    CGCS’s action in cases of gross academic misconduct
    What you have done will be discussed with you in a private tutorial.  As a result of these discussions CGCS may take one of the following actions depending on how serious what you have done appears to CGCS:

    • A zero grade in the exam/test/module is given;
    • The assessed work is not awarded a mark grade;
    • You are not allowed to re-sit the exam or test;
    • You are not allowed to re-do the piece of assessed work;
    • You are disqualified from your course;
    • You are excluded from CGCS 
    • Further action by CGCS

    In all cases of academic misconduct CGCS will:

    • Make a note on your progress record of the allegation, the outcome and any penalty you are given.

    In all instances of academic misconduct CGCS may: 

    • Inform the relevant examining body what you have done, in accordance with the awarding body’s/examining board’s policy 
    • Inform external examiners/verifiers of what you have done, in accordance with the awarding body’s examining board’s policy;
    • Use the recorded information if CGCS is asked to provide a reference for you.

    Appeals Procedure

    Appeals Procedure for Learners


    This procedure reflects our commitment to dealing with issues as early as possible and to carrying out thorough and fair investigations where needed to make sure we are able to make decisions based on the facts of each case.

    The procedure applies to all enrolled students of CGCS If a candidate wishes to appeal against an assessment or academic decision, the following steps should be observed:

    1. The candidate should first discuss the reason for appeal with their assessor. This should ideally be done as soon as possible after the assessment decision. 
    1. The assessor must consider the reasons for the appeal and must give the candidate a response within 2 Working days, backed up in writing, of the assessment decision and a new decision, or confirmation of the original decision. 
    1. If the candidate is not satisfied with the assessor’s final decision, the assessor should be informed immediately and an appeal form (available on request) should be completed by both the candidate and assessor.
    2. The assessor should inform the relevant internal verifier (IV) that a formal written appeal has been lodged within 2 working days of the appeals form being completed, and provide the appeals form and any other relevant details to the Internal Quality Advisor (IQA).
    1. The IQA will reconsider the assessment decision taking into account the candidate’s reason for appeal, the candidate’s evidence and associated records and the assessor’s reason for the assessment. 
    1. The IQA must give the candidate the reconsidered decision, in writing, within five working days of receiving the appeal. 
    1. If the candidate is not satisfied with the findings of the IV then the candidate has the right to go to another IV and must inform the IV that they wish to do so. 
    1. The IQA must provide the appeals form, assessment record sheets and any other relevant details to the Managing Director (as the Awarding Body Coordinator) who will appoint another IV to oversee the appeal within 10 days. 
    1. The appointed IQA will review all evidence, speak to the candidate, assessor and original IV and make a decision. This decision will be communicated to all parties within 5 days. 
    1. If the candidate remains unsatisfied the Managing Director will contact the EQA for a final decision. The decision

    Complaints Procedure

    Complaints Procedure

    1. Introduction

    CGCS is keen to minimize all kinds of non-conformities and to encounter those non-conformities through an established system of receiving and dealing with complaints. Appropriate systems of receiving and dealing with the complaints provide the gateway to learn the views of those who experienced the Institution’s services. This gives the Institution an opportunity to rectify the non-conformities and thus brighten the image of the Institution when correctional actions to remedy the non-conformities are taken.

    2. Who can complain?

    The following people may bring complaints: 

    • Those who are not satisfied with any services received from CGCS 
    • Those who experienced poor services from the Institution. 

    3. Reasons for Complaints   

    Students, visitors, or the service users of the Institution may bring complaints for any of the reasons set out below: 

    1. That the advice provided was not appropriate or wrong; 
    2. That the personnel did not provide appropriate guidance; 
    3. That the matter has been dealt with negligently; 
    4. That the Institution did not update the complainant properly and in time, thus complainant failed to take appropriate action and suffered loss and damage; 
    5. That the complainant received substandard services; 
    6. That he has been misled about the matter; 
    7. That the Institution did not deal with complainant’s problem expeditiously and thus had caused him problems of a substantial nature; 
    8. That the Institution has charged him in excess of the fee scheme; 
    9. That the Institution had never provided him with the services for which he had already paid;

    You may also add any other reasons that suit you most in your complaint. Please give details of the reasons as much as possible. State your reasons clearly and without any apparent ambiguity. 

    4. Purpose of the Complaints Procedure

    • The purpose of the complaints Procedure is to establish an effective monitoring system in the organization. The Institution can learn and check the ongoing irregularities or ineffectiveness of systems, when there is a complaint about the matter from an interested party. The complaints procedures are also used as indicators of standards of customer services that have been successfully established and tested. 
    • When a complainant approaches the Institution with a genuine complaint, it is believed that the complainant has given the Institution a chance to rectify the errors or ineffectiveness or unfairness in the system. It also helps the Institution to take appropriate policy decisions after careful consideration and investigation of the alleged complainant. The most important purpose of the complaints Procedure is to ensure that no client leaves the organization with bad experience, dissatisfactions or grievance.

    5. Informal Complaints Procedure

    5.1. Introduction

    • This is a less formal procedure where a complainant may raise his or her concern about the way a particular service was provided. The complainant may only see the complaints officer and discuss the matter that will be then immediately dealt with. However, if the matter is serious and complicated and the complainant is still dissatisfied, the complaints officer may accept the complaint as a formal one. 

    5.2. Report to the Course Officer

    • If a client, visitor, or any one else is dissatisfied because of the way she or he was dealt with, the dissatisfied person may complain about the matter. The Course Officer will record the complaint in writing and will immediately look into the matter. 

    5.3. Investigation

    • The Course officer will then immediately investigate the matter. If necessary, the course officer will contact the department from which the complaint emanated. If the investigation reveals that the allegation is true, the complaints officer will take a decision. However, if it is not possible to investigate the matter on the same day, the complaints officer will give a reference number and a possible time frame to deal with the complaint. The complaints officer must explain why it was not possible to give a decision immediately. 

    5.4. Decision

    • If the complaint officer successfully finds that there is truth in the allegation, he will give a decision immediately. The complaints officer may initially give the decisions orally but a written confirmation of the decision must be sent to the complainants. If the allegation is about a member of the staff and is found liable, the complaints officer also has to explain the steps which have to be taken and why. The complainant must be informed about the decision in order to achieve the purpose of the complaint. A copy of the written decision must be given to the senior management of the academic or the administrative head. 

    6. Formal Complaints Procedure

    6.1. Formalise the Complaint via Email

    • If a client wants to bring a serious complaint about any matter in relation to the way services are provided, or the way the client has been dealt with, the client may bring a formal complaint. This would require the completion of the informal process, then formalising a complaint to a member of the executive team.

    6.2. Investigation

    • When CGCS receives a formal complaint, they must send a letter of acknowledgement to the complainant. The letter must set out the facts of the compliant and indicate a time frame of the investigation. The maximum time for an investigation will be four weeks. 
    • After receiving the formal complaint, the complaints officer must contact the department or the member of the staff against whom the complaint has been brought. A “Show Cause Notice” will be issued to the alleged department or staff. The show cause notice must carry a summary of the allegations along with any explanations. When the alleged department or personnel submits response to the Show Cause Notice, the complaint officer will carefully study the explanations. He may also take statements from witnesses, if there are any. Where witnesses’ statements have been taken which apparently prove to be adverse to the department or staff member, the complaints officer complete his investigation of such witness evidence. He must collect documents or evidence as much as possible from the witnesses and the alleged personnel. 
    • The complaints officer will try and conclude the case by studying the allegations against and the explanations and prepare a report of his findings.

    6.3. Meeting 

    • On the report being handed over to the academic or administrative head, the letter will convene a meeting of the parties, the purpose of which will be to discuss the issues of the complaint and the findings of the investigation. 
    • If both parties agree to attend the proposed meeting, a schedule of date, time, and venue will be fixed. The head will hold the meeting and will discuss the complaint and his or her findings in details. He will also give a decision in presence of both parties. 

    6.5. Decision 

    A written decision will be communicated to the respective parties whether or not the meeting takes place. The written decision must indicate the following: 

    1. Background 
    2. Summary of investigation
    3. Summary of evidence or documents and witness statements
    4. Summary of findings
    5. Decision
    6. Reasons for such decisions
    7. Conclusion 

    The letter must clearly explain the steps already taken in relation to the complaint such as suspension or reprimand. In case the allegation is found true, the letter should also indicate the offer to remedy the complaint. 

    6.6. What Next 

    • If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision given by the Institution, he may submit the application for revision of the decision. The revision will be heard by the academic or administrative head himself. 

    7. Revision of the Decision 

    • A party to the complaint compliant may submit an application for revision of the decision. In the revision the applicant may provide additional documents or evidence. The applicant must provide a letter giving reasons for submitting the application. The applicant must also identify specifically the new documents or evidences that are being relied on. 
    • The Revision Process will assess the application and the evidence or documents, old and new, and will give a hearing date. On the day of hearing both the parties may attend with their representatives. The Revision Process will hear arguments of both the parties and will finally give a reasoned decision. The decision of the Revision Process will be final. There will no appeal or further proceeding against the decision of the Revision Process.   

    8. Conclusion 

    • The complaints procedure may seem quite formalistic and complex. The design makes the procedure a bit rigid in order to make sure that decisions are taken correctly and satisfactorily. The object is to resolve the matter without any apparent confusion, doubt or favouritism. It is believed that a comprehensive facts findings process maximises the scope of taking a fair and accurate decision. Thus, the concentration is on the fact-finding process and the apparent fairness of the proceedings. 

    9. What Next

    If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the Revision Process, the complainant may take the matter to the appropriate judicial or administrative authority. 

    Contingency & Adverse effects Policy


    This policy is designed to ensure a consistent and effective response in the event of major disruption to the course delivery and assessment system affecting significant numbers of learners. The plan will be implemented in the event of major disruption to the system, such as widespread illness, travel disruption, bad weather or power failures. Any actions taken will be subject to the advice of the official agencies dealing with the specific circumstances being faced, for example the police, Environment Agency or Health Protection Agency.

    Implementing the plan will safeguard the interests of learners, centre staff and awarding organisation personnel while maintaining the integrity of the assessment system and safeguarding qualification standards. The contingencies applied will be selected based on the context of the disruption. 

    The priority when implementing contingencies will be to maintain the following principles: 

    •  Delivering course to published timetables 
    •  Delivering assessments to published timetables 
    •  Delivering results to published timetables 
    •  Complying with regulatory requirements in relation to assessment, marking and standards. 


    • In the event of local disruption, communication to tutors and learners will take place through the administration following agreement with the Director.
    • In the event of major disruption, details of specific contingencies agreed across organisations involved in the examinations process will be confirmed on the Ofqual website and proactively communicated to relevant stakeholders. 
    • This includes communications between the organisations involved in the response and communications to stakeholders such as centres, candidates, parents or carers and the public. 

    CGCS is committed to: 

    •  sharing timely and accurate information as required to meet the aims of the plan 
    • communicating with stakeholders so they are aware of disruption and contingency measures being implemented and any actions required of them as a result · ensuring that any messages are clear and accurate. 

    Key Risks and Associated Actions 

    Teaching staff extended absence at key points in the exam cycle:
    Centre actions: 

    CGCS to arrange alternative teaching staff within the institution concerned at the earliest opportunity.

    Lack of appropriately trained and qualified assessor or IV and their absence 

    CGCS will keep abreast of the planning, hiring, training etc of all assessors at least 2 weeks prior to the course start and arrange alternative staff as necessary.

    Failure of IT systems 

    Maintain secured backup for all types of assessment and feedbacks
    Support learners with printing version of the course materials during class time.
    Liaise with Awarding body to let them know about the failure of the system and get help from their contingency plan. 

    Disruption of teaching time – centre closed for an extended period 

    Communicate with learners about the potential for disruption to teaching time and plans to address this. Establish liaison between tutors and learners so that learner can make correspondence with tutor and get course materials and submit assignments online. Arrange alternative teaching space at partner venue.

    Assessment evidence is not available to be marked (Large scale damage to or destruction) 

    To reduce this risk, active scripts remain on site for the absolutely minimum time.
    It is the responsibility of the head of centre to communicate this immediately to the relevant awarding organisation(s) and subsequently to learners.

    Centre unable to distribute results as normal 

    Contact to be made immediately to the awarding bodies about alternative options.
    Contact to be made immediately to the learners explaining the situation. 

    Withdrawal of Qualifications 

    CGCS is committed to putting the interests of learners first and undertakes to take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of learners should an Qualification or Unit be withdrawn for whatever reason and by whichever body. CGCS will make every effort to ensure that learners are not registered onto Qualifications that are due to be withdrawn before the date that learners could reasonably be expected to complete the Qualification. Where there appear to be learners unlikely to complete prior to the Qualification end date, CGCS will take all reasonable steps to identify an alternative Qualification, or an alternative centre and to make the necessary transfers and other arrangements in order to enable the learners to achieve the Qualification wherever possible. 

    Data Protection Policy

    1. Introduction 

    CGCS collect and use certain types of information relating to Data Subjects who come into contact with the college. This personal information must be collected and dealt with appropriately whether it is collected on paper, stored in a computer database, or recorded on other material to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 as well as the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). 

    1. Data Controller 

    CGCS is the Data Controller under the Act, which means that it determines what purpose personal information held, will be used for. It is also responsible for notifying the Information Commissioner of the data it holds or is likely to hold, and the general purpose that this data will be used for. 

    1. Disclosure 

    CGCS may share data with other agencies such as the local authority, educational support providers and other voluntary agencies. 

    The Data Subject will be made aware in most circumstances how and with whom their information will be shared. There are circumstances where the law allows CGCS to disclose data (including sensitive personal data) without the data subject’s consent. 

    These are: 

    a) Carrying out a legal duty

    b) Protecting vital interests of a Data Subject or other person 

    c) The Data Subject has already made the information public 

    d) Conducting any legal proceedings, obtaining legal advice or defending any legal rights 

    e) Monitoring for equal opportunities purposes – i.e. race, disability or religion 

    CGCS regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as very important to successful working, and to maintaining the confidence of those with whom we deal. 

    CGCS intends to ensure that personal information is treated lawfully and correctly. 

    To this end, the college will adhere to the Principles of Data Protection, as detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR 2018. 

    Specifically, the Principles require that personal information: 

    a) Shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless specific conditions are met, 

    b) Shall be obtained only for one or more of the purposes specified in the Act, and shall not be processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes, 

    c) Shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to those purpose(s) 

    d) Shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, 

    e) Shall not be kept for longer than is necessary 

    f) Shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act, 

    g) Shall be kept secure by the Data Controller who takes appropriate technical and other measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal information, 

    h) Shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of the Data Subject in relation to the processing of personal information. 

    CGCS will, through appropriate management and strict application of criteria and controls: 

    • Observe fully, conditions regarding the fair collection and use of information 
    • Meet its legal obligations to specify the purposes for which information is used 
    • Collect and process appropriate information, and only to the extent that it is needed to fulfill its operational needs or to comply with any legal requirements 
    • Ensure the quality of information used 
    • Ensure that the rights of people about whom information is held, can be fully exercised under the Act. These include: 
    1. The right to be informed that processing is being undertaken, 
    2. The right of access to one’s personal information 
    3. The right to prevent processing in certain circumstances and 
    4. The right to correct, rectify, block or erase information which is regarded as incorrect 
    • Take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard personal information 
    • Ensure that personal information is not transferred abroad without suitable safeguards 
    • Treat people justly and fairly whatever their age, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity when dealing with requests for information 
    • Set out clear procedures for responding to requests for information 

    4. Data collection Informed consent is when; 

    • A Data Subject clearly understands why their information is needed, who it will be shared with, the possible consequences of them agreeing or refusing the proposed use of the data 
    • And then gives their consent. 

    CGCS will ensure that data is collected within the boundaries defined in this policy. This applies to data that is collected in person, or by completing an electronic or paper form. 

    When collecting data, CGCS will ensure that the Data Subject: 

    a) Clearly understands why the information is needed 

    b) Understands what it will be used for and what the consequences are should the Data Subject decide not to give consent to processing 

    c) As far as reasonably possible, grants explicit consent, either written or verbal for data to be processed 

    d) Is, as far as reasonably practicable, competent enough to give consent and has given so freely without any duress 

    e) Has received sufficient information on why their data is needed and how it will be used 

    Use of Biometric Information 

    The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, includes measures that will affect schools and colleges that use biometric recognition systems, such as fingerprint identification and facial scanning: 

    • For all students in schools and colleges under 18, they must obtain the written consent of a parent before they take and process their child’s biometric data. 
    • They must treat the data with appropriate care and must comply with data protection principles as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR. 
    • They must provide alternative means for accessing services where a parent or student has refused consent. 
    1. Data Storage 

    Information and records relating to service users will be stored securely and will only be accessible to authorised staff and volunteers. 

    Information will be stored for only as long as it is needed or required statute and will be disposed of appropriately. 

    It is the responsibility of CGCS to ensure all personal and company data is non-recoverable once deemed to be redundant. This includes both paper-based copies as well as copies held on any computer system previously used within the organisation, which has been passed on/sold to a third party. 

    1. Data access and accuracy 

    All Data Subjects have the right to access the information CGCS holds about them. CGCS will also take reasonable steps ensure that this information is kept up to date by asking data subjects whether there have been any changes. 

    In addition, CGCS will ensure that: 

    • It has a Data Protection Officer with specific responsibility for ensuring compliance with Data Protection 
    • Everyone processing personal information understands that they are contractually responsible for following good data protection practice 
    • Everyone processing personal information is appropriately trained to do so 
    • Anybody wanting to make enquiries about handling personal information knows what to do 
    • It deals promptly and courteously with any enquiries about handling personal information 
    • It describes clearly how it handles personal information 
    • It will regularly review and audit the ways it holds, manages and uses personal information 
    • It regularly assesses and evaluates its methods and performance in relation to handling personal information 
    • All staff are aware that a breach of the rules and procedures identified in this policy may lead to disciplinary action being taken against them 

    This policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practice in data management, security and control and to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments made to the Data Protection Act 1998 or GDPR 2018. 

    Equality and Diversity Policy

    Equality and Diversity are central to the work and greater purpose of CGCS. At CGCS we will treat all people with dignity and respect and we will promote equality of opportunity and diversity.

    CGCS, treats each other fairly, with respect and dignity regardless of:

    • Age
    • Disability
    • Gender
    • Gender Reassignment
    • Race
    • Religion/Belief
    • Pregnancy/ Maternity
    • Marriage / civil partnership
    • Sexual Orientation 

    CGCS strives and is proud to create an environment where everyone is supported in realising their goals and aspirations. Therefore, we promote equality and celebrate diversity and will not tolerate discrimination, which is not only wrong but also hurtful and can be illegal.

    How is this achieved? 

    Our underlying commitment is to eliminate discrimination and promote equality across all protected characteristics which translate to Equality and Diversity being embedded in all policies, practices, decision making and evaluative processes. 

    • We actively promote access to learning programmes and services for all our candidates, apprentices, stakeholders and potential clients to enable them to improve their skills, to make progress and be successful in realising their ambitions. 
    • We create a visibly diverse environment, which values and celebrates difference and raises the aspiration of existing and potential candidate.
    • We are striving towards developing a staff profile, management team and governing body which is reflective of the communities in which we operate.
    • We provide training services which are effective in recognising and assessing the specific needs of individuals and in ensuring that the right kinds of support and interventions are provided to meet these needs.
    • We will, wherever possible, procure services from organisations who demonstrate a commitment to Equality and Diversity.
    • We tackle discrimination, whether direct or indirect.
    • We promote an ethos within the Centre whereby all candidate and members of staff respect the views, values, culture and beliefs of others.
    • We undertake rigorous monitoring of learner achievement and take action aimed at addressing any equality gaps as per those listed by the Awarding bodies.
    • We develop a systematic approach to assess the impact of new and existing policies, procedures and processes to ensure that where there is the potential for negative impacts that they are identified and addressed. 

    CGCS, will implement change to achieve this Policy through action plans defined within a Single Equality Scheme. The Single Equality Scheme will integrate all actions that the Centre will take to address each of the protected characteristics. 

    Awareness and Communication of Equality & Diversity Policies 

    Staff of CGCS, are expected to discuss this policy with employers, candidates, apprentices and their managers and make them aware that everyone promotes and works to the principles and practice of this Policy. There will also be a discussion around any possible areas of difficulty with access to assessment (e.g. safeguarding requirements, site access). 

    As part of eligibility checks for apprenticeships, O.S.A.T. Limited will work with funding leads to obtain copies of the employer’s equality & diversity policy to ensure compliance and embed into apprenticeship delivery. 

    Resolution of Difficulties 

    Equality & Diversity will be discussed as a regular item at staff meetings and any difficulties with adhering to this or clients’ policies will be recorded. Any change in policy will be communicated to the people involved. There is a policy of open access for all qualifications. The principles of open access and equal opportunity for all are promoted in all areas of CGCS, assessment activity. The aim is to overcome any inequality in relation to gender, age, race, colour, religion, disability, sexual orientation, marital status and national or ethnic origin. CGCS, works in cooperation with other organisations as appropriate, to develop Codes of Practice which can assist in ensuring that assessment materials and centre recruitment embody the principles of open access and equal opportunity. 

    CGCS, is also committed to ensuring that its employment policies give opportunities to all, regardless of gender, marital status, age, race, colour, religion, disability, sexual orientation and national or ethnic origin of any individual concerned. 

    Racial Harassment 

    CGCS, will not tolerate any form of racial harassment. We will challenge racist and discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behaviours from the learners and staff.

    Learners with Additional Needs 

    CGCS, recognises that some leaners have additional needs that require particular support and assistance. Candidates and Apprentices, will be admitted providing they can meet their needs without jeopardizing the service in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act

    Health and Safety Policy

    Policy Statement 

    CGCS is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all associates, learners and visitors, contractors and other persons having access to a CGCS operated premises.

    Health and safety is an integral part of the learning and work activities.  CGCS will take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure:

    • The risks to health and safety are properly assessed
    • Risk assessments take into account specific risks to young and vulnerable learners
    • Safe systems of work are devised and implemented
    • Associates, learners and others are given adequate information, instruction, training and supervision in order to carry out their work and studies safely.

    All associates are required to follow and comply with the health, safety and safeguarding procedures for working with and safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults that support the development of learner health, safety and welfare knowledge and understanding.

    Associates are expected to attend and participate in regular team meetings to provide effective channels of communication and promote co-operative safe working practices across CGCS operated premises.

    Internal Verification Policy

    1. Aims and Objectives of the policy


    CGCS is committed to ensuring that standards of assessment are consistent, transparent and in line with the requirements of our awarding bodies. The way students’ work is assessed must serve the stated learning objectives of the programmes we offer and facilitate the achievement and wider development of our students.


    a) To assess students’ work with integrity by being consistent and transparent in our assessment judgements and processes so that the outcomes are fair, reliable and valid. 

    b) To ensure that assessment standards and specifications are implemented fully (both in spirit and in letter), so that no risk is posed to the reputation of the awarding bodies or the qualifications we offer. 

    c) To establish quality control and recording mechanisms for assignments and their assessment through a system of sampling, moderation, internal verification and cross-departmental co-ordination as appropriate to the requirements of the programmes we offer.

    d) To provide learner-centred approaches to assessment, which provide opportunities for students to achieve at levels commensurate with the demands of their course.

    1. Range and scope of the policy.

    The range of the policy covers all courses but may well apply to other assignment-based courses should they become a part of the curriculum in future. This should be read alongside the School’s Monitoring and Assessment Policy.

    1. Assessment

    Internal Assessment is defined as the process where staff make judgements on evidence produced by students against required criteria for the relevant awarding body qualification. 

    a) Completed student assignments will be assessed internally, be subject to internal verification and external moderation by the awarding body.

    b) Students must be left in no doubt that any grade awardedwill be subject to internal and/or external scrutiny, (moderation) and that ultimately the final decision rests with the awarding body. 

    c) The Assessor is responsible for ensuring that assessment processes are consistent and transparent, that evidence is valid, sufficient, and authentic and that judgement of evidence is valid and reliable.

    d) Students will be given an interim deadline for each assignment. Following feedback a new deadline will be set after which the work is assessed and the outcome entered on the student study sheet. The assessment decisions are then internally verified according to the procedure outlined below. There is a further opportunity to improve assignments before the final deadline. 

    e) All coursework must be handed in on the stated date. If work is handed in late, a decision about whether it should be marked will be taken by the Curriculum Committee in accordance with the policy on Coursework. 

    3.1 Role of the Assessor

    The role of the Assessor is to:

    a) Set tasks which allow students to demonstrate what they know, understand, and can do so that they have opportunities to achieve the highest possible grades on their relevant awarding body courses. 

    b) Ensure that learners are clear about the criteria they are expected to meet in their assignments and that they are fully briefed on the skills which need to be demonstrated in the coursework / portfolio components of a subject. 

    c)Encourage students by giving detailed feedback and guidance on how to improve work.

    d) Set interim deadlines for coursework and advise students on the appropriate amount of time to spend on the work, ensuring it is commensurate with the credit available.

    e) Mark and return drafts within two weeks of submission.

    f) Adhere to the Awarding Body’s specification in the assessment of student assignments.

    g) Record outcomes of assessment using appropriate documentation. Outcomes will be held secure for three years, measured from the point of certification. Associated IV records should also be kept, to support and verify the decisions that were made for the cohort.

    h) Ensure each candidate signs to confirm that the work is their own and that it is endorsed by the teacher after marking the work. A completed original document must be securely attached to the work of each candidate and to that of each sample request.

    i) Provide accurate records of internally assessed coursework marks to the Exams Office in a timely manner via the VLE or e-mail for transfer to the awarding body.

    Internal Verification

    a) The Internal Verifier is at the heart of quality assurance on School programmes. The role is to ensure that internally assessed work consistently meets national standards but can also lead to staff development and quality improvement.

    b) Each course will have an identified Internal Verifier (IV) who is not otherwise involved in the assessing or setting of work which he or she is asked to verify.

    c) Internal Verifiers will have the knowledge and qualifications relevant to the qualification(s) and other competence-based award(s) for which they are responsible to enable accurate judgements to be made regarding candidate performance in relation to competence criteria.

    d) Provision will be made for communication between course teams to share ‘best practice’ and areas of concern. Typically, this will be achieved through an annual meeting of Internal Verifiers at which standards and processes are discussed to maximise consistency between courses.

    e) The role of the internal verifier:

    The internal verifier should:

    • Not verify their own work or assignments.
    • Ensure that all assignment briefs are verified as fit for purpose prior to their being circulated to students. They should enable students to meet the unit grading criteria. 
    • Complete the template and make recommendations to the assessor on how to improve the quality of the brief if necessary. 
    • Make all IV evidence available to the EV
    • Plan with the course team an annual internal verification schedule linked to assignment plans.
    • Consider the assessment decisions of all units and all assessors to judge whether the assessor has assessed accurately against the unit grading criteria
    • Consider alternative methods of moderation/verification as required for non-written (ephemeral) assessments (e.g. assessments of performance, oral presentations, and work placements). In most cases, the documentary record of the assessor(s) will provide the basis for verification. 
    • Maintain secure records of all work sampled as part of their verification process using a standard template. 
    • If a concern is raised the IV should discuss this with the assessor prior to the final confirmation of the marks for all the students taking the assignment. As a result of the IV process it may be necessary for the assessor(s) to reconsider the marks awarded for the entire cohort of students and, as a consequence, to make changes eitherto all marks orto some marks. 
    • Where re-sampling is necessary the work should be verified again before being sent to the EV and records kept.

    3.3 Authentication of Candidate’s Work

    If the student hands in an assignment and teachers suspect it is not the student’s own work, the matter should be reported to the Principal, who must proceed in accordance with the School’s assessment policy.

    4. Student Misconduct

    Misconduct covers a range of offences, which can be collectively described as cheating. The following is not an exhaustive list and the School reserves the right to include any other type of cheating under the terms of this policy. 

    a) Plagiarism: taking someone else’s work, images or ideas, whether published or not, and with or without their permission, and passing them off as your own: thereby not properly acknowledging the original source. This particularly relates to material downloaded from the Internet or copied from books.

    b) Copying the work of other students with or without their permission and knowingly, allowing another student to copy one’s own work.

    c) Colluding with other students to produce work, which is then submitted individually, except where this is specifically required/allowed by the assessment criteria.

    d) Falsely claiming extenuating circumstances to gain an unfair advantage in assessment outcomes

    e) Submitting work done by another student as your own. 

    5. Preventing Student Misconduct

    The School will take positive steps to prevent and reduce the occurrence of malpractice by students. These will include:

    a) Using the induction session/week and the course handbook to inform students of the School’s policy on malpractice and consequent penalties.

    b) Showing students the appropriate formats to record cited texts and other materials or information sources including websites. Students should not be discouraged from conducting research; indeed evidence of relevant research often contributes to the achievement of higher grades. However, the submitted work must show evidence that the student has interpreted and synthesised appropriate information and has acknowledged any sources used.

    c) Introducing procedures for assessing work in a way that reduces or identifies malpractice, eg plagiarism, collusion, cheating, etc. These procedures may include:

    • The requirement for interim work to be handed in before final deadlines to give a picture of the student’s progress.
    • Periods of supervised sessions during which evidence for assignments/tasks/coursework is produced by the student.
    • Altering assessment assignments/tasks/tools on a regular basis.
    • The assessor assessing work for a single assignment/task in a single session for the complete cohort of students.
    • Using oral questions with students to ascertain their understanding of the concepts, application, etc within their work.
    • Assessors getting to know their students’ styles and abilities.
    1. Ensuring access controls are installed to prevent students from accessing and using other people’s work when using networked computers.

      6. Investigating Student Misconduct

    There will be an investigation if student misconduct is suspected which may lead to disciplinary action.

    a) Students who attempt to gain an award by deceitful means will automatically have their result(s) suspended (held) pending a thorough investigation by a member of the Curriculum Committee. The student will be informed at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the alleged malpractice and of the possible consequences. 

    b) The outcome of the investigation will determine the appropriate course of action to be taken by the School. Malpractice is a breach of School rules and may invoke the Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. Any case where student malpractice is found to be substantiated will be reported to the awarding body.

    c) If no evidence is found that the student cheated, then the benefit of the doubt should be give to the student and the grade achieved should be awarded.

    7. Staff Malpractice

    The following are examples of malpractice by School staff. This list is not exhaustive. 

    1. Failure to keep any awarding body mark schemes secure
    2. Alteration of awarding body assessment and grading criteria
    3. Assisting students in the production of work for assessment, where the support has the potential to influence the outcomes of assessment, for example where the assistance involves School staff producing work for the student
    4. Producing falsified witness statements, for example for evidence the student has not generated
    5. Allowing evidence, which is known by the staff member not to be the student’s own, to be included in a student’s assignment/task/portfolio/ coursework
    6. Facilitating and allowing impersonation
    7. Misusing the conditions for special student requirements, 
    8. Failing to keep student computer files secure
    9. Falsifying records/certificates, for example by alteration, substitution, or by fraud
    10. Fraudulent certificate claims, that is claiming for a certificate prior to the student completing all the requirements of assessment

    Where staff malpractice is suspected, an investigation will take place under staff disciplinary procedures.

    4 Responsibility

    • Responsible for Policy: Director 
    • Responsible for implementation: Course Assessors, IVs.

    4.1 It is the responsibility of Course Assessors to:

    a) Provide assessment processes that are fair and meet the requirements of students and of the qualification;

    b) Provide students with a schedule of assessment;

    c) Provide accurate, timely and informative assessment feedback to inform students of their individual progress and tell them what they need to do to improve.

    e) Record assessment decisions regularly, accurately and systematically, using agreed documentation,

    f) Comply with the School and Awarding Body guidelines regarding work that is submitted after the submission date and work that is re-submitted following a referral decision;

    g) Familiarise themselves and learners with the School Assessment Appeals procedure(s);

    h) Be aware of and keep up-to-date with Awarding Body guidance in respect of assessment, standardisation, moderation and verification;

    i) Ensure that the quality of assessment is assured by carrying out internal standardisation, moderation or verification as required by the School and Awarding Body.

    j) Record internal standardisation, moderation and verification decisions accurately and systematically using agreed documentation.

    k) Provide special arrangements for learners with learning difficulties and or disabilities according to the regulations of the awarding body.

    4.2 Internal verifiers are responsible for:

    a) Verifying assignment briefs prior to distribution to learners 

    b) Verifying a sample of assessment decisions

    c) Developing the skills of assessors, especially those new to assessment.

    d) Maintaining the consistency of assessment decisions by holding standardisation meeting of assessors

    4.3 It is the responsibility of the Admin Officer

    a) To facilitate the IV process 

    b) To meet the deadlines for registering learners with the awarding body 

    c) To ensure that awarding body data is kept up to date with timely withdrawal or transfer of learners 

    d) To claim learners’ certificates as soon as appropriate 

    e) To claim unit certification when a learner has not been able to complete the full programme of study. 

    4.4 It is the responsibility of the Director to act as Quality Nominee for the School, to act as a conduit for information from awarding bodies to course teams, and to ensure standardisation of processes and documentation across the programmes.

    5 Access to Policy

    a) Copies of the policy will be available via the website.

    b) Student induction programmes and course handbooks will highlight key aspects of this policy.

    c) Training for assessors will be given as part of staff induction if necessary.

    6 Glossary

    Assessment criteria – those topics/aspects of a subject area that a marker would expect to be included in the piece of work being assessed including any apportionment of marks to the various elements of an assessment; 

    Moderation – the checking of a sample of students’ assessed work in order to confirm that the assessment and marking criteria have been applied so that relative grading is appropriate. 

    Assessment – Assessment is where School staff makes judgements on the assessment evidence produced by students against the required standards for the qualification

    Verification –is the process by which the School and the awarding body ensure that national standards are consistently applied to the assessment of students. 

    Internal Verification – ensures that assessment decisions are made against specific criteria, are accurate and to the national standard.

    External Verifier – A person appointed by awarding bodies to monitor the work of approved centres and ensure the consistency and quality of local assessments

    Moderator – one whose role is to ensure that the marker(s) has applied assessment and marking criteria equitably and appropriately; 

    Learner Identification Policy

    CGCS Identification Policy ensures the integrity of examination and assessment procedures and keeps Candidates and staff safe.


    • To reinforce CGCS’s commitment to Safeguarding in a relatively open and online educational setting.
    • To ensure CGCS meets its Equality and Diversity commitments. 
    • To ensure the identity of all students has been properly checked for correct application of funding. 
    • To clarify the procedures for recognising change of name. 
    • To ensure the integrity of examination and assessment procedures.

    Identity Policy and Safeguarding 

    • Candidates will be asked for formal Identification in the form of photo in whereas they are also holding a form of ID prior to registration. 
    • Candidates will be given a login when using the online VLE.
    • Our recruitment practices involve detailed identity checks for all shortlisted candidates before recruitment of new staff is confirmed. 
    • Where relevant a check is made for an existing Unique Learner Number (ULN) to ensure qualifications are correctly attributed to Candidates. 

    Change of Name 

    • It is the responsibility of the Candidates and staff to ensure that there is consistency between their records and their form of ID. 
    • CGCS will comply with requests for changes, initially on production of formal documents (passport; drivers licence; marriage, civil partnership, divorce, dissolution certificate) prepared by a solicitor, Deed Poll or other documents generally approved as forms of ID.
    • Where no formal documents are available, those records which are within our discretion (ID pass, learner system details) will be changed using “Also Known As”. 
    • Students must complete a change of details form. 

    Integrity of Examination Procedures 

    • All Candidates will be utilising online exams, and as such will have to login into the system to sit exams. 
    • All candidate’s unique login details prevents unauthorised attendees. 

    Malpractice, Maladministration and Plagiarism Policy

    Policy Statement 

    CGCS is fully committed to ensuring that the issues of malpractice in internal and external examinations and assessments are addressed. For examinations and external assessments, this policy will supplement the guidance of awarding/accrediting bodies. 


    This policy applies to all teaching staff, assessors, Internal Quality Assurers and candidates at the Centre. It underpins the complementary guidelines, policies and procedures of CGCS This policy and the associated documents to which it relates together outline: 

    • The specific regulations of the The Awarding Organisation under which relevant examinations and assessments operate. 
    • Definitions of malpractice by candidates, learners and staff in examinations 
    • The rights and responsibilities of awarding bodies, Centre staff, candidates and learners 
    • The procedures to be followed in the event of breaches of policy, regulation or procedure. 


    “Malpractice” means any act, default or practice which is a breach of the Regulations or which: 

    • compromises, attempts to compromise or may compromise the process of assessment, the integrity of any qualification or the validity of a result or certificate; and/or 
    • damages the authority, reputation or credibility of any awarding body or the Centre or any officer, employee or agent of any awarding body or the Centre.

    A failure by the Centre to investigate allegations of suspected malpractice in accordance with the requirements in this document also constitutes malpractice. 

    Centre Staff Malpractice 

    This refers to malpractice committed by a member of staff, or an individual appointed in another capacity by CGCS such as an invigilator, a reader, a Sign Language Interpreter or a scribe to a candidate. Examples of staff malpractice are set out in Appendix A. Other instances of malpractice may be identified and considered by the NOCN at their discretion. 

    Staff who are found to have engaged in activities deemed to be malpractice or maladministration will be subject to the Centre disciplinary procedures for teaching and support staff. 

    Candidate/Learner Malpractice 

    This refers to malpractice by a learner or candidate in the course of any examination or assessment, including the preparation and authentication of any controlled assessments or coursework, the presentation of any practical work, the compilation of portfolios of assessment evidence and the writing of any examination paper. Examples of candidate/learner malpractice are set out in Appendix B. Other instances of malpractice may be considered by the Awarding Body at their discretion. 

    Malpractice in a coursework component or a controlled assessment component of a specification discovered prior to the candidate signing the declaration of authentication need not be reported to the awarding body but must be dealt with in accordance with the Centre disciplinary procedures for learners. 

    Candidates who are found to have engaged in activities deemed to be malpractice after signing the declaration of authentication will be subject to the regulations and possible penalties as laid down by the specific awarding body. The Centre is obliged to report such instances and Curriculum Managers are responsible for providing this information for reporting via their Curriculum Directors. Learners who are found to have engaged in such activities will also be subject to the Centre disciplinary procedures for learners.  

    Investigation of Candidate/Learner Malpractice 

    The Centre Manager has delegated responsibility for the conduct of examinations and all concomitant activity to the Head of Centre. 

    The Head of Centre will instigate investigations and may delegate this to the appropriate Curriculum Director. This will ensure that investigation is independent of the School involved in the suspected malpractice. Appeals will be conducted as specified in the Assessment Appeals Procedure. 

    The Awarding body will withhold the issuing of results until the conclusion of the investigation, or permanently, where the outcome of the investigation warrants it. 

    Investigation of Alleged Malpractices by Staff 

    Investigations will be conducted as for 6 above, with the addition of: 

    • Allegations against the Centre Manager will be carried out by the Chair of the Awarding Body 
    • Curriculum Directors or Curriculum Managers may be involved in investigations at the discretion of the Centre Manager and Head of Centre 
    • Correspondence will be through the Head of Centre except when the allegation is against the Centre Manager, and all such will be in writing and copied to the Centre Manager 
    • Respondents will be entitled to correspond in writing 
    • Centre procedures on discipline, grievance and appeals will also apply 
    • The Awarding Body have the right to be represented at interviews or hearings Staff members may be accompanied by a friend or union representative. 

    Rights of Accused Individuals 

    When an incident of suspected malpractice is reported to the awarding body, or on receipt of a report from the awarding body, an individual, whether a candidate or a member of staff, accused of malpractice must: 

    • be informed (preferably in writing) of the allegation made against him or her 
    • know what evidence there is to support that allegation 
    • know the possible consequences should malpractice be proven 
    • have the opportunity to consider their response to the allegations (if required) 
    • have an opportunity to submit a written statement 
    • have an opportunity to seek advice (as necessary) and to provide a supplementary statement (if required) 
    • know when the final outcome would be imparted to candidate/staff 
    • be informed of the applicable appeals procedure, should a decision be made against him or her 
    • be informed of the possibility that information relating to a serious case of malpractice may be shared with other awarding bodies, the regulators, the police and/or professional bodies. 

    Responsibility for informing the accused individual rests with the Head of Centre. This may be delegated to the Quality Nominee. 


    Reports of malpractice will be forwarded to the relevant authorities, internally and externally, which may include the Governing Body, Senior Leadership Team, regulatory authority and awarding body. 

    Reports should be accompanied with evidence using the appropriate form as specified in the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) Guidance, or other awarding body forms where appropriate. 

    Reports will be authorised by the Head of Centre before being forwarded to the relevant authorities. 


    The Awarding Body will normally impose sanctions and penalties to individuals found guilty of malpractice. These will usually be the learners, candidates or the responsible members of staff. However, when the malpractice is judged to be the result of a serious management failure, the awarding body may apply sanctions against the whole curriculum area or Centre. In these cases the awarding body may make special arrangements to safeguard the interests of candidates who might otherwise be adversely affected. 

    The Awarding Body will determine the application of a sanction according to the evidence presented, the nature and circumstances of the malpractice, and the type of qualification involved. Not all possible sanctions are applicable to every type of qualification or circumstance. Sanctions could include withdrawal of certification or loss of direct claim status for the curriculum area or disqualification from qualification for a candidate. 

    Actions required to lift sanctions as directed by The Awarding Body or regulatory bodies will be complied with fully by the Centre. 

    In cases of significant malpractice the police may also be informed. 


    The Awarding Body must consider appeals against penalties arising from malpractice decisions. The following individuals have a right to appeal against decisions of the Malpractice Committee or officers acting on its behalf: 

    • The Centre Manager, who may appeal against sanctions imposed on the Centre or its staff, as well as on behalf of learners/candidates entered or registered by the Centre 
    • Members of staff, who may appeal against sanctions imposed on them personally 
    • Learners and candidates. 

    Access to the policy 

    The Policy will be published on the CGCS website. 

    Appendix A 

    Examples of Staff Malpractice 

    The following are examples of malpractice. This is not an exhaustive list and other instances of malpractice may be identified and considered by the Awarding Body at their discretion. 

    Breach of security 

    Breaking the confidentiality of question papers or materials and their electronic equivalents, or the confidentiality of candidates’ scripts or their electronic equivalents. This could involve: 

    • Failing to keep examination material secure prior to an examination 
    • Discussing or otherwise revealing secure information in public, e.g. internet forums 
    • Moving the time or date of a fixed examination (beyond the arrangements permitted by the regulations within the JCQ publication Instructions for conducting examinations); conducting an examination before the published date constitutes Centre staff malpractice and a clear breach of security 
    • Failing to adequately supervise candidates who have been affected by a timetable variation. (This would apply to candidates subject to overnight supervision by Centre personnel or where an examination is to be sat in an earlier or later session on the scheduled day) 
    • Permitting, facilitating or obtaining unauthorised access to examination material prior to an examination 
    • Failing to retain and secure examination papers after an exam in cases where the life of the paper extends beyond the particular session (such papers are always clearly marked). For example, where an examination is to be sat in a later session by one or more candidates due to a timetable variation 
    • Tampering with candidate scripts or controlled assessments or coursework after collection and before dispatch to the awarding body/examiner/moderator (this would additionally include reading candidates’ scripts or photocopying candidates’ scripts prior to dispatch to the awarding body/examiner. The only instance where photocopying a candidate’s script is permissible is where he/she has been granted the use of a transcript) 
    • Failing to keep student computer files which contain controlled assessments or coursework secure. 


    Any act of dishonesty in relation to any examination or assessment, but not limited to: 

    • Inventing or changing marks for internally assessed components (e.g. coursework) where there is no actual evidence of the candidates’ achievement to justify the marks being given 
    • Manufacturing evidence of competence against national standards 
    • Fabricating assessment and/or internal verification records or authentication statements 
    • Entering fictitious candidates for examinations or assessments, or otherwise subverting the assessment or certification process with the intention of financial gain(fraud). 

    Improper assistance to candidates 

    Giving assistance beyond that permitted by the specification to a candidate or group of candidates, which result in a potential or actual advantage in an examination or assessment. For example: 

    • Assisting candidates in the production of controlled assessments or coursework, or evidence of achievement, beyond that permitted by the regulations 
    • Sharing or lending candidates’ controlled assessments or coursework with other candidates in a way which allows malpractice to take place 
    • Assisting or prompting candidates with the production of answers 
    • Permitting candidates in an examination to access prohibited materials 5 (dictionaries, calculators etc.) 
    • Prompting candidates in an examination/assessment by means of signs, or verbal or written prompts 
    • Assisting candidates granted the use of an oral language modifier, a practical assistant, a prompter, a reader, a scribe or a Sign Language Interpreter beyond that permitted by the regulations. 


    Failure to adhere to the regulations regarding the conduct of controlled assessments, coursework and examinations or malpractice in the conduct of the examinations/assessments and/or the handling of examination question papers, candidate scripts, mark sheets, cumulative assessment records, results and certificate claim forms, etc. For example: 

    • Failing to ensure that candidates’ coursework or work to be completed under controlled conditions is adequately monitored and supervised 
    • Inappropriate members of staff assessing candidates for access arrangements who do not meet the criteria as detailed by the JCQ regulations 
    • Failure to use current assignments for assessments 
    • Failure to train invigilators adequately, leading to non‐compliance with JCQ regulations 
    • Failing to issue to candidates the appropriate notices and warnings 
    • Failure to inform the JCQ Centre Inspection Service of alternative sites for examinations Failing to post notices relating to the examination or assessment outside all rooms (including music and art rooms) where examinations and assessments are held 
    • Not ensuring that the examination venue conforms to awarding body requirements 
    • The introduction of unauthorised material into the examination room, either during or prior to the examination (N.B this precludes the use of the examination room to coach candidates or give subject‐specific presentations, including power‐point presentations, prior to the start of the examination) 
    • Failing to remind candidates that any mobile phones or other unauthorised items found in their possession must be handed to the invigilator prior to the examination starting 
    • Failure to invigilate in accordance with the JCQ publication Instructions for conducting examinations 
    • Failure to keep accurate records in relation to very late arrivals and overnight supervision arrangements 
    • Failure to keep accurate and up to date records in respect of access arrangements which have been processed electronically using the Access arrangements online system 
    • Granting access arrangements to candidates which do not meet the requirements of the JCQ publication Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration 
    • Granting access arrangements to candidates where prior approval has not been obtained from the Access arrangements online system or, in the case of a more complex arrangement, from an awarding body 
    • Failure to supervise effectively the printing of computer based assignments when this is required 
    • Failing to retain candidates’ controlled assessments or coursework in secure conditions after the authentication statements have been signed or the work has been marked 
    • Failing to maintain the security of candidate scripts prior to despatch to the awarding body or examiner 
    • Failing to dispatch candidate scripts/controlled assessments/coursework to the Awarding Body or examiners or moderators in a timely way 
    • Failing to notify the appropriate awarding body of an instance of suspected malpractice in examinations or assessments as soon as possible after such an instance occurs or is discovered 
    • Failing to conduct a thorough investigation into suspected examination or assessment malpractice when asked to do so by an awarding body the inappropriate retention or destruction of certificates. 

    Appendix B 

    Examples of Learner Malpractice 

    The following are examples of malpractice. This is not an exhaustive list and other instances of malpractice may be identified and considered by the Awarding Body at their discretion. For example: 

    • The alteration or falsification of any results document, including certificates 
    • A breach of the instructions or advice of an invigilator, supervisor, or the awarding body in relation to the examination or assessment rules and regulations 
    • Failing to abide by the conditions of supervision designed to maintain the security of the examinations or assessments 
    • Collusion: working collaboratively with other candidates, beyond what is permitted 
    • Copying from another candidate (including the use of ICT to aid the copying) 
    • Allowing work to be copied e.g. posting written coursework on social networking sites prior to an examination/assessment 
    • The deliberate destruction of another candidate’s work 
    • Disruptive behavior in the examination room or during an assessment session (including the use of offensive language) 
    • Exchanging, obtaining, receiving, passing on information (or the attempt to) which could be examination related by means of talking, electronic, written or non‐verbal communication 
    • Making a false declaration of authenticity in relation to the authorship of controlled assessments, coursework or the contents of a portfolio 
    • Allowing others to assist in the production of controlled assessments, coursework or assisting others in the production of controlled assessments or coursework 
    • The misuse, or the attempted misuse, of examination and assessment materials and resources (e.g. exemplar materials) 
    • Being in possession of confidential material in advance of an examination 
    • The inclusion of inappropriate, offensive or obscene material in scripts, controlled assessments, coursework or portfolios 
    • Impersonation: pretending to be someone else, arranging for another person to take one’s place in an examination or an assessment 
    • Plagiarism: unacknowledged copying from published sources or incomplete referencing 
    • Theft of another candidate’s work 
    • Bringing into the physical examination room or assessment situation unauthorised material, for example: notes, study guides and personal organisers, own blank paper, calculators (when prohibited), dictionaries (when prohibited), instruments which can capture a digital image, electronic dictionaries (when prohibited), reading pens, translators, wordlists, glossaries, iPods, mobile phones watches, MP3/4 players, pagers or other similar electronic devices 
    • The unauthorised use of a memory stick where a candidate uses a word processor 
    • Behaving in a manner so as to undermine the integrity of the examination.

    Appendix C 

    CGCS will take the following actions to prevent the occurrence of malpractice and maladministration: 

    • Ensure that this policy is made available to all staff candidate and they are made aware of their responsibilities in the prevention of malpractice and maladministration. 
    • Ensure that this policy is made available to staff and candidates so that they are aware of their responsibilities in the prevention of malpractice and maladministration. 
    • Clearly document all procedures to be followed by the Centre staff and candidates in the conduct of examinations and assessments, and to ensure that Center and candidates are made aware of these procedures.
    • Clearly document all procedures to be followed by staff and candidates in the conduct of the design, development, 
    • Maintain a rigorous process of Centre approval that considers the ability of the Centre to conduct assessments in an appropriate manner. 
    • Maintain a rigorous process of external verification to ensure that assessment processes are conducted in accordance with the procedures.
    • Provide guidance (on request) on how to prevent, investigate and deal with malpractice and maladministration.

    Refund Policy

    CGCS is firmly committed to ensuring that our course is suitable for all, and the nature of it being online means that it is available 99.9% of the time. 

    Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information on the Website is correct, some details may be subject to change. CGCS reserves the right to make amendments to the courses, dates, fees or other details, and to make cancellations or changes if numbers are insufficient. In the unfortunate situation that we have to cancel a course we will refund your fees in full, but we regret we are not able to offer any refund if you withdraw from your course or fail to start, and you will be liable to pay any outstanding fees that may be due.

    Reasonable adjustment And Special Considerations Policy


    This policy sets out the procedures that learners and tutors should follow when implementing reasonable adjustments and special considerations. 

    Reasonable adjustment 

    A ‘reasonable adjustment’ helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty that places the learner at a substantial disadvantage in the assessment situation. Reasonable adjustments must not affect the validity or reliability of assessment outcomes, but may involve: 

    • Changing usual assessment arrangements; 
    • Adapting assessment materials; 
    • providing assistance during assessment; 
    • re-organising the assessment environment; 
    • changing or adapting the assessment method and/or using assistive technology. 

    Reasonable adjustments must be approved by the Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) and set in place prior to assessment commencing. It is an arrangement to give a learner access to a qualification. 

    The work produced following a reasonable adjustment must be assessed in the same way as the work from other learners. 

    Below are examples of reasonable adjustment. It is important to note that not all adjustments described below will be reasonable, permissible or practical in particular situations. The learner may not need, nor be allowed the same adjustment for all assessments. 

    A reasonable adjustment must never affect the validity or reliability of assessment, influence the outcome of assessment or give the learner(s) in question an unfair assessment advantage. 

    Examples of reasonable adjustments as defined by the above categories are listed below. 

    • Allowing extra time, e.g. assignment extensions; 
    • using a different assessment location; 
    • use of coloured overlays, low vision aids, CCTV; use of assistive software; assessment material in large format or Braille; 
    • readers/scribes; 
    • practical assistants/transcribers/prompters; 
    • assessment material on coloured paper or in audio format; 
    • language-modified assessment material; 
    • British Sign Language (BSL) and/or use of ICT/responses using electronic devices. 

    Reasonable adjustment And Special Considerations Policy 

    Applying reasonable adjustment 

    Reasonable Adjustments are the responsibility of CGCS Reasonable adjustments are approved by the Quality Advisor before an assessment and are intended to allow attainment to be demonstrated. A learner does not have to be disabled (as defined by the DDA) to qualify for reasonable adjustment; nor will every learner who is disabled be entitled to reasonable adjustment; allowing reasonable adjustment is dependent upon how it will facilitate access for the learner. A reasonable adjustment is intended to allow access to assessment, but can only be granted where the adjustment does not: 

    • Affect the validity or reliability of the assessment; 
    • give the learner(s) in question an unfair advantage over other learners taking the same or similar assessment and/or 
    • influence the final outcome of the assessment decision. 

    Special consideration 

    Special considerations are different to reasonable adjustments as they apply to a disadvantage that occurs to the learner either just before or during the assessment. Reasons for special consideration could be: 

    • Temporary illness; 
    • injury and/or 
    • adverse circumstances at the time of the assessment. 

    A learner may be eligible for special consideration if: 

    • Their performance in an external assessment is affected by circumstances beyond the control of the learner, e.g. recent personal illness, accident, bereavement, serious disturbance during the assessment or 
    • the alternative assessment arrangements which were agreed in advance of the assessment proved inappropriate or inadequate or 
    • any part of an assessment has been missed due to circumstances beyond the control of the learner. 

    CGCS will submit a written Special Consideration form to the Awarding Body. However, all applications for Special Consideration can only be made on a case-by case basis and thus separate applications must be made for each learner.

    Student Disability Policy

    CGCS is firmly committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all students and positively welcomes applications from people with disabilities and/or additional needs. Throughout all aspects of Student life, we actively encourage and support the participation of students with disabilities 

    Under disability legislation, a disability is defined as “a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.

    The Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 / 2005, subsequently amended by the Equality Act 2010, make it unlawful to discriminate against a disabled person in relation to the provision of education and related services.                                                                               

    Disclosing a Disability

    You are encouraged to disclose all disabilities, however, mild or severe, at the time of your application to study with CGCS  You will be given opportunities to discuss your specific needs with a member of the admissions team. All enquiries are handled with discretion and your confidentiality will be respected throughout the process; CGCS operates under the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010 & Data Protection Act 1998.

    New students are invited to complete a Disability Disclosure Agreement at the start of their course, but students are encouraged to disclose a disability at any point during their studies, by contacting the admissions team. 

    If you disclose a disability, you may choose which members of staff are informed. However, you should recognise that, if you select not to share information with some staff, the provision of any reasonable adjustments may be affected as a result.

    Only in exceptional circumstances will it not be possible to maintain confidentiality, when direct action needs to be taken in order to protect your health and welfare and/or that of others. However, if any such course of action were deemed to be necessary, you would be informed of this intention.

    Admission Arrangements

    Before making an application to CGCS you are encouraged toseek assistance in choosing an appropriate programme of study based on your aspirations, skills and needs by contacting a member of the admissions team or a relevant staff member, whom will look to tailor an opportunity for you.

    Please be assured that your application will be considered impartially; disclosure of a disability will not disadvantage you in any way.

    In addition to any selection interview for your course of study you may be invited to meet with one of our specialist support staff, providing you with the opportunity to identify your individual needs and any support required to help you during your time as a student with CGCS

    It is recommended that you contact CGCS at the earliest opportunity in order for the appropriate arrangements to be made prior to you commencing your course. If we are unable to provide the support you require then you will be informed immediately and helped to find an alternative provider wherever possible.

    If appropriate, you will be provided with an individual induction to enable you to use and be aware of the facilities and important elements for your course.

    Educational Support and Facilities

    CGCSis committed to challenging and tackling disability-related discrimination and to actively promoting disability equality and good working relations across all areas of activity.

    Students with specific learning difficulties may take advantage of additional academic support from external Learning Support tutors if required.

    If you are a UK student, the Course team can support you in applying for the Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) which can pay for equipment and/or specialist software, cover the cost of personal assistance, and help with incidental expenses such as internet access.

    CGCS will endeavor, but is not obliged, to provide any non-medical helper or technical support, or reasonable adjustments, recommended in your DSA needs assessment report. Such support may include (but is not limited to) the provision of a note taker, mentor, communication support worker, or technical support worker.

    Reasonable Adjustments

    CGCS has a legal duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled students are not disadvantaged as a result of any disability or impairment. Students are not expected to suggest which reasonable adjustments should be made, but the responsibility for identifying the need for a reasonable adjustment lies with the student. 

    All courses require students to undertake a range of, learning, teaching and assessment methods. If you consider that the nature of your disability means that you would be disadvantaged by a particular form of learning, teaching or assessment, you should discuss this with your course tutor. 

    CGCS complaints, appeals and disciplinary procedures apply equally to all students. If, due to the nature of your disability, you require additional support to attend or prepare for any meetings relating to complaints, appeals or disciplinary issues, this will be provided. 

    CGCSis committed to the provision of a working and learning environment founded on dignity, respect and equity where unfair discrimination of any kind is treated with the utmost seriousness.  It has developed and implemented a Single Equalities Scheme (SES) to guide its work in this area.  All the policies and practices are designed to meet the principles of dignity, respect and fairness, and take account of the commitments set out in the SES.

    Record Keeping

    Policy Statement

    CGCS recognises that the efficient management and retention of its records is necessary, to support its core functions, to comply with its legal, regulatory and contractual obligations and to contribute to the effective overall quality management of the company.

    Records management is defined as a field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including process for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records.


    The purpose of the Policy is to;

    • establish an efficient company-wide record management system for maintaining, identifying, retrieving, preserving and destroying records
    • ensure that records are adequately protected
    • ensure that records that are no longer needed or of no value are destroyed at the appropriate time
    • ensure the company complies with all applicable laws, regulations, contractual and awarding body requirements.


    This policy applies to all records, regardless of format, whether in paper, electronic, microform (e.g., microfilm, microfiche, magnetic tapes, and CD-ROM), or other medium.

    All employees.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    The Head of Centre is responsible for; 

    • managing the archiving of all paper records.
    • managing Financial/Payroll records
    • managing the management and retention of quality and funding records
    • managing non finance electronic records

    Individual assessment employees are responsible for managing electronic documents on their laptops and for only using training/educational resources and records from the shared drive to ensure only current paperwork and resources are used.

    Assessment Employees and Learners are responsible for Learner Portfolios

    Policy Implementation – Procedures

    The records retention schedule documents the minimum length of time the company’s records should be retained to comply with legal, regulatory contractual and operational requirements.

    Retention periods and which documents are retained are formulated based upon a number of factors:

    • The Data Protection Act 1998 – which regulates how the company uses and stores personal information, protects individuals against misuse of information and provides them with the right to access. It is also used to ensure that information is not held for longer than necessary.
    • The Limitation Act 1980 – sets out time limits which enable former learners (after leaving the centre) in which they are entitled to take civil action against the company and for which the company may use the files as evidence.
    • Professional, Statutory, Funding and Regulatory bodies – Courses accredited by professional, statutory or regulatory bodies, such as Edexcel/Pearson and funding through sub-contracts through partner colleges (SFA and ESF funding); requirements for retention of specific records for specific lengths of time.
    • Cost – The cost of storage and maintenance of records (paper and electronic).
    • Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Through partnership working with colleges the Freedom of Information Act provides a general right of access to our records

    The retention schedule is also used to ensure that the company balances the requirement to not hold on to records unnecessarily with the need to prevent the premature disposal of information we are legally and/or contractually required to keep.

    Retention periods outlined in the schedule are applied to records in whatever medium they are held (paper, electronic etc.).

    Using the Schedule

    The schedule categorises the company’s records and describes:

    • The Record Type
    • The Record Function
    • Minimum Retention Period
    • Examples of records

    Retention periods are independent of format and therefore can be applied to any medium whether paper or electronic. Retention periods are defined as the ‘Minimum’, which mean that files may be retained for a longer period should they be required but must not be disposed of before the identified time.

    Storage of Paper Records

    These records need to be stored, safely in the archive room.

    Disposal of Records

    At the end of the designated retention periods, appropriate action should be taken against the records as outlined in the retention schedule. These will be:

    Destroy – The record can be destroyed using the appropriate method. This may be ‘deleted’ for electronic records, or disposed of for recycling in the case of non- confidential paper records. All confidential records, including those containing personal or financial information should be disposed of using confidential waste disposal. A record should be kept of the destruction.

    Review – Documents marked for review at the end of their retention period may be required for a longer period. Therefore, their status should be checked before any action is taken.

    See also: